Then, it use the Civil War in Bosnia to argufy the application of the intervenor and the Cuba Missile Crisis for the logic of the coercive event. 接著透过波士尼亚内战说明第三者介入如何排除谈判的障碍。
Moreover, it use the Gulf War to argufy how to form an winning coalition and the Conflict in Northern Ireland to proof thr application of Building the Momentun. 此外透过古巴飞弹危机说明强制性事件破除谈判障碍的逻辑。接著透过第一次波湾战争说明,如何建立赢家联盟。
Synonyms: carp, cavil , Synonyms ARGUE 2, argufy, bicker, dispute, hassle, 吹毛求疵者:吹毛求疵::传道者:布道::同上(人及其正面动作