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The Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (at right) merges with the Gulf Intra coastal Water way just east of New Orleans. 密西西比河的河湾出口(在晚上)与新奥尔良东面的河湾节点沿岸水路汇合。

The boat went through the narrow water way between fish farms.and the fishman and guide told us the different scenery spots,but the fog was heavy,we just saw the water and fog. 顺着鱼塘之间的窄窄的水陆前行,渔民说这是大运河,那是打仗的地方。在雾里,看不清远处。

The two harbors are located in both sides of identical port territory, only 9 miles away from each other, and use the same navigational water way, anchorage as well as economical hinterland. 两大港口位于同一港域,分属同一港域的两侧,相距仅9海里,使用共同的航道和锚地,拥有同一经济腹地,港口的自然条件相近,却因行政区划和管理体制的不同,被人为地变成在规划布局、建设和经营等方面互不相干的两个港口。

If the operators and the consignors conduct their transaction of water way cargo transportation at the Shanghai Shipping Exchange, they shall deserve the rules of exchange provided by the State. 经营者和托运人在上海航运交易所从事水路货物运输交易,应当遵守国家对航运交易所规定的交易规则。

This paper deduces the mode of the bit water way matching the pump output combining the construction equipment and hydraulics whose results are credible through the construction test. 本文结合施工设备和水力学知识,理论上推导出了扩孔器钻头水眼大小与泵量的匹配关系模型,并通过工程检验,证明了计算结果的可靠性。

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