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n. 茶水壶(亦作suke)

Ps. Have you checked out the awesome comics Suki jie's friends made? 对了,你们有没有看?

Douglas: We've taken you through the background of Hale and Hearty and our marketing and sales outcomes using Suki Tofu as the model. 道格拉斯:我们向您展示了“哈尔及哈迪公司”的背景情况,并以素喜豆腐这个产品为例向您介绍了我们的推广及销售业绩。

Harvey: These figures, on overhead projection, follow the sale of Suki Tofu since it was launched onto the Australian Market. 哈维:投影仪上显示的这些数据就是素喜豆腐进入澳洲市场之后的销售记录。

Suki's experience gives us a very good lesson: never put such a huge misson in the last minute, or you gonna die like a hell. 苏其的经历很有教育意义:别把这等大事放到最后,否则你会死的很难堪。

Caroline: Victoria, there are some Suki Samples in the kitchen and a poster of Suki in the foyer. Why don't I go and get them? 卡罗琳:维多利亚,厨房里有一些素喜豆腐的样品,大厅里还有一张素喜豆腐的海报,你要不要我把这些东西取来?

Two cubs ,Suki and Linus,are young lions on the cusp of adulthood.With their mother Macheeda at their side,they are finding their way in the world. 两只年幼的狮子苏琪和莱纳斯与母亲马芝巴,一起寻找他们在世上的生存之道。

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