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英式:[ˈbreθ ˈteɪkɪŋ]
美式:[ˈbreθ ˈteɪkɪŋ]


You can also take a walk through the national virgin forest and appreciate the breath taking scenery. 你也可以漫步在岛上的原始森林,欣赏秀丽的风光。)

It was breath taking opening, the only way London can do something different is by putting pretty women topless doing lap dancing. 美极了。看来伦敦下次想别出心裁,就只能让裸女跳钢管舞了。

Our windows had old fashioned wooden shutters and the view of the canal below with gondala's and singing gondaliers was breath taking! 透过古典的木质百叶窗,你可以看到大运河上来来往往的小船,听着那些船夫的歌声,让人心旷神怡!

There is a huge paddy field along the journey from Butterworth to Perlis. Blue sky, green green field, sunrise behind the giant rock mountain, it's breath taking! 从北海到玻璃市的途中,经过一大片稻田;绿色的稻田,蓝色的天空,远处的高山还有刚升起的太阳,这些都是在城市里看不到的风景,很美,很舒服!

Breath taking sceneries like Bridalveil Fall, El Capitan, Merced River, Half Dome and Yosemite Falls will immerse your senses and bring you back to nature. 园内巨木参天高山流水,冰河雕塑的遗迹,峭立如屏的花岗巨岩,瀑布如玉带般从天而降。

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