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内侧的, 近中的

It is suitable that the free medialis pedis flap is used to repair a small or middle skin defect of the hand. 此皮瓣适合修复中小面积手部皮肤缺损。

Background and Purpose: The selective action theory has been proposed to selectively strengthen the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) muscle via exercise. 摘要背景与目的:根据已被提出的选择性作用理论,经由运动可选择性强化股内斜肌;

Objective To evaluate the effects of varying load of vastus medialis oblique on the tensile stress at the proximal insertion of patellar tendon. 目的:探讨股内斜肌不同负载情况下髌腱近端内、外侧拉伸应力的变化。

Conclusion: In the patients, the gravity line of the lower limb inclines to the condylus medialis, so the condylus medialis is more vulnerable. 结论:膝骨关节炎患肢重力线向内侧髁倾斜,因此其发病以内侧多见;

Methods:Of 7169 MUP,5256 from normal group and 1913 from neurogenic group were recorded in the muscles of tibialis anterior,vastus medialis and abductor pollicis brevis. 方法:胫前肌、拇短展肌、股四头肌正常组5256个MUP,神经病组1913个MUP通过模式匹配方法记录。

In the recruitment test of tibialis anterior and vastus medialis,all the parameters of the MUP from slight muscle contraction were more sensitive than those from moderate muscle contraction. 在胫前肌和股四头肌,轻度比中度用力收缩MUP各项参数的诊断作用更加敏感。

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