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n.有关高级橄榄油的; 精炼高级橄榄油

Our pesto is made from imported extra virgin olive oil, pine nuts, fresh basil, garlic, and Parmesan. 意大利面,配以我们精心调配的香蒜酱(由进口的初榨橄榄油、松子、新鲜罗勒、荷兰芹,大蒜和巴马干酪调配而成),美味可口。

In a ceramic bowl put the sea urchin and extra virgin olive oil, gently toss and taste seasoning, reserve. 取一陶瓷碗

Linguine ai gamberi Noodles with extra virgin olive oil,white wine,garlic,parsley,tomato sauce and prawns. 细面配橄榄油,白葡萄酒,蒜茸,香菜,番茄酱和大明虾

Palmer's Olive Butter Formula Concentrated Cream is a rich cream formulated with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Vitamin E to relieve extra dry, flaky skin. 天然有机橄榄油和维E专门针对干燥肌肤、其是身体肌肤因为干燥而出现皮屑乱分的现象。

Extra virgin olive oil, which is most prominent in Umbria, has an intense green color, a soft olive scent, and very rich, full flavors. 特级轻榨优质橄榄油是在翁布里亚最著名的橄榄油,它具有浓重的绿色,柔和的橄榄香味,非常丰富、浓郁的味道。

Extra virgin olive oil is obtained by chilling the olives that are found in the foothills of Umbria and these are picked annually and entirely by hand. 特级轻榨优质橄榄油是通过致冷在翁布里亚山麓找到的橄榄而获得的,这些橄榄是年年完全靠手工采摘的。

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