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adj.耳毒性的( 指对听觉及平衡器官有毒性的)

Gentamycin is a kind of ototoxic drug,which can bring about hearing loss. 庆大霉素是一种耳毒性药物,能够导致感音神经性聋。

Although most of the ototoxic drugs have already been recognized by clinic doctors and pharmacologists. 大多数耳毒性药物已被临床医师和药理学家所认识,但丙戊酸钠对听力影响报道仍罕见。

The association remained significant after adjusting for other risk factors, including exposure to tobacco smoke, noise, or ototoxic medications. 在效准了其他危险因子后,这种统计学的显著差异依然存在,被效准的危险因素包括:吸烟、噪音、和耳毒性药物的使用。

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a role in the degeneration of auditory hair cells because of aging, noise trauma, or ototoxic drugs. 活性氧在老化、燥声和药物毒性引起的听毛细胞退行性改变中具有重要作用。

One SHHH member reports that when filling out medical questionnaires, she lists ototoxic medications under "known allergies". This invariably results in questions 聋人之星 medical staff

The experiment suggested that hair cell and its nerve ending as well as marginal cell of SV are the sites liable to be damaged by the ototoxic affect of KA. 实验提示:听毛细胞及其底部的神经末梢、血管纹边缘细胞是卡那霉素耳毒作用的主要部位。

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