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用作名词 (n.)

We drove to our lodge on the lake for the summer. 我们驱车来到湖滨小屋度夏。

Yet the beaver lodge remained sturdy and strong. 然而,海狸的巢穴却依然强韧坚固。

He makes his house, or lodge, by piling a great mass of sticks and roots in a big cone on a solid foundation at the bottom of the pond and weighting them down with mud. 它在池塘底部一个地基坚固的大锥状穴中堆积大量的树枝和草根,用泥巴压实,建造起自己的家,或者说是巢穴。

They were immediately admitted into the lodge. 他们立刻被让进门房。

He put the keys in the porter's lodge. 他把钥匙放在了传达室。

On this occasion the lodge sent a carriage. 为了当晚的演出,支部派了马车来接她。

用作动词 (v.)

You can lodge the valuables in the bank. 你可以把贵重物品存放在银行里。

The bullet became lodged in her spine. 那颗子弹嵌在她的脊椎骨里。

I lodged at a friend's house. 我寄住在一个朋友家里。

They lodge tourist during summer holidays. 暑假期间他们给游客提供住宿。

Where we were to lodge was the problem . 我们在哪儿住宿曾是个问题。

We will be very glad to board and lodge you. 我们很高兴为您提供食宿。

The army can lodge their tents in the fields. 部队可以在野外安营扎寨。

If you wish to lodge a complaint, you'd better get on to the manager. 你有什么不满最好找经理提。

We have to lodge a claim against you for inferior quality. 我们不得不对你们的劣质产品提出索赔。

The buyer has the right to lodge a claim on the defective goods. 对于不合格的货物,买方有权提出索赔。

You could lodge a claim with the ship owner or with the insurance company. 也可以向保险公司提出索赔。

We reserve the right to lodge a claim for loss. 我们保留要求赔偿损失的权利。

It is too late to lodge any objections. 提任何反对意见都晚了。


lodge用作及物动词时,其基本意思是“提供临时住所”,仅供睡觉,不包括娱乐与餐饮。引申则指头脑中如接待投宿者一样深存某想法,接名词或代词作宾语;用作不及物动词时,作“投宿”“寄宿”解,常与介词at, with连用。


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