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Of course he had some principle of guessing; and this lay in mere observation and admeasurement of the astuteness of his opponents. 当然,他猜起来是有点道理的,那不过是要观察和衡量他的对手的精明程度。

Unit price contract; admeasurement contract; remeasurement contract A contract based on unit prices. Includes a bill of quantities, which is a statement of all the items of work. 单价合同;计量合同以单价为基础的合同,它包括一张数量清单,即所有工程的类目表。

We also measured the thickness of every book-cover, with the most accurate admeasurement, and applied to each the most jealous scruting of the microscope. 我们还测量了每本书封面的厚度,计算得极为准确,对每一本都用显微镜百般挑剔地检查过。

The main body of a book is adopt to follow different condition of admeasurement in vitro to active effect of stem tumour mustard hydrogen nitrate reductase. 本文采用离体法测定不同条件对于茎瘤芥硝酸还原酶活性的影响。

And study progesterone contents have carried out an admeasurement in using radiation immunity to determine law to the sample of milk originally, the gravidity having been in progress verifies , gets satisfied effect. 本实验用放射免疫测定法来研究乳中、血中以及粪便中孕酮的含量,并描记出其变化趋势图。

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